Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grading Forever

In case anyone's been wondering what I'm going to be doing all weekend...

Now that students have turned in their first projects, I get to spend many hours grading those first projects! From what I've glanced through so far, they did a pretty good job, so this should be fun. 

Unfortunately, part of teaching in the 21st century and using technology in the classroom is that I don't  have a pretty stack of fresh, neat paper to photograph. So, instead, accept this photo of my students reflections on their writing progress so far (book strategically placed to protect the private information of my students)!

And yes, we're reading Rosemary's Baby in one of my classes! It's for Pregnancy and Prisons, which is quickly becoming the best class that I have ever taken.

So that's it for this week's edition of "In the Life of the Future Doctor". I'll see you all next time!

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