Sunday, August 17, 2014

Moving In

It's been a crazy few weeks with moving from North Carolina out to Kentucky, getting my apartment set up, and starting orientation (1 week down, 1 left to go!). Now just a week and a half left until I teach my first ever college class. This could be awesome or it could be a miserable failure. I suppose we'll find out in a few weeks.

In the meantime, I have returned to share some pictures of my almost-completed apartment! There are a few projects left to finish up, but nothing that needs to be done in the immediate future.

And so, without further ado, or unnecessary wordiness, here are the newly taken photographs of my teeny tiny apartment.

My living area and dining area

the other view of my living area

My kitchen

My study

My bedroom

And my bathroom!

That's all I have for today. Hopefully soon I'll have a more complete update on life here.

Until then,
